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<< Today the Lights and the Illuminations.....>>, with this verse, the start of the Epiphany Carols, we welcomed our Priest, Father Gregorios on his way back to carry on with the tradition, The THEOPHANEIADA, which was started in our Community a number of years ago, to our Church Hall from Blessing the waters in the nearby stream. We were so happy to see Rev Canon Victor from St. Martin's,  the Church that gave us hospitality for twenty years, to accompany him together with  a part of the Church Congregation  who disregarded the bad weather and got really wet on their return. 

The Carols continue, << Down at the River Jordan.......>>, it can not be helped that the stream passing our town is part of the river Ouse and not Jordan but it is what we have and we are happy to gather together at this symposium to celebrate The Baptism of our Lord. 

Just before going to the streamside, the Service of the Epiphany was celebrated in our Church and the Congregation took Holy Water to their homes. 

Another busy weekend for the Community, as the previous day, Saturday 4th January, the monthly event, TO STEKI MAS - OUR PLACE took place where Members, friends and passers by, are meeting for tea/coffee/dessert and a chat.  

 Now we are almost in the middle of January and the "bee hive", which in our case is called The Greek Orthodox Community of Milton Keynes, with its two protector Saints, Stylianos & Ambrosios and is under the protection of St. Mary of Vlachernae, does not cease working. This communication includes a Poster with all the necessary information about the Greek Evening we are planning for the 1st of February with the title : Annual Ball. Also the Cutting of the Vasilopita will take place at the event.

Next day, Sunday the 2nd of February, is the Feast of the Lord in the Temple and after the end of the Holy Liturgy, our School will honour the memory of the Three Hierarchs, Sts, Basil the Great, Theologian Gregorios and John the Chrysostom, the great teachers of our nation.

We are hoping to see most of you!.  The presence of all parishioners and friends will be very much appreciated.

January 2025


Here we are together again, in the middle ofThe Twelve Days of Christmas, to all very Good Wishes for Health and Joy.

In the Church, the preparation for the Big Feast started on Sunday 22 December, where the meaningful Encyclical of H. E.Archbishop of Thyateira & Great Britain was read during the Service to the Congregation.

The Christmas Service was celebrated on the Eve, in a manner that filled our hearts and souls, the ringing of the bell, complimented the words of the beautiful Hymns and the words of Prayers.

A number of people attended not just from the locality but from a distance too, the Church was full and the Christmas message from H. H. The Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomaios was conveyed to the Congregation,

The evening ended very late, after the singing of Carols, both in Greek and in English and having refreshments.

As we are bidding farewell to the old year, we are ready to welcome the new one and we will start with our usual get together at THE STEKI MAS/OUR PLACE on the first Saturday of the month, 4/1/2025, between 10.30am to 3pm for coffee-tea-dessert etc.


The Feast of Theophany, will be celebrated on Sunday 5th of January 2025 (Matins 9.30am). After the Blessing of the water in the Church and the end of H, Liturgy we will proceed to the stream of the river, on our return, we will gather at our Church Hall for the established tradition in our Community The Theophaniada, with a bowl of warm soup (vegetarian option will be available for fasting observers). Everyone is welcome.

©2023 Greek Orthodox Community of Milton Keynes
London Rd, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1JA, United Kingdom

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